Name of organisation*
Contact person*
Position or job title*
Email address:*
Postal address*
Web address (URL)*
Name and title of most senior officer of organisation:*
What is the primary purpose or function of your organisation?*
Is your organisation a registered charity, or not-for-profit organisation attracting tax exempt status? YesNo
What is the nature of the support you are seeking from GMP? Philanthropic donationSponsorshipLong term partnership
Briefly describe the amount of support you are seeking in $’s, products, services, time and/or other resources:
Please indicate the category for which you seek support: Youth ProgramsEducationHealthSportArts and CultureEnvironmentCommunityOther
Please describe the nature of the function, event or person/team for which support is requested, or how the funds will be used if for an individual:
If you are seeking a philanthropic donation or sponsorship for a community based program. What benefits do you hope to achieve for the person or for the community with the function, event or product?
If applicable, please estimate attendance, or number of people reached/affected by your function, event or games. Briefly describe the nature of your expected audience, attendees, indicating the diversity of those involved.
Specifically, describe the rights and benefits being offered. Please provide a full description of the levels of sponsorship available, their cost and the benefits each level provides to the sponsor in terms of exclusivity, branding, signage, media coverage, entertainment, promotional opportunities, etc
How will the final outcome be measured and reported? Please nominate specific measurable targets
For donations, what is the expected revenue to be raised and where is the profit to be directed? $
What level of media coverage is expected? Briefly describe plans for promoting your event and provide social media links for GMP to use in cross promotion: